Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Handling Criticism

I you work in a business you are sure to receive “advice” from all quarters. This “advice” or criticism is tough to take when you are expecting it, but, it is especially hard on us when it is unexpected. This unforeseen negative feedback can be unsettling and difficult to swallow, but can also be incredibly valuable. Here is a little pointer I read a few weeks ago, the next time you are blindsided by what someone has to say about your behavior, take a deep breath and try doing these three things:
1. Move beyond your feelings. You're likely to feel hurt and angry. Recognize those feelings and then put them aside so they don't negatively influence your reaction to this “advice”.
2. Look beyond the specific comments. Few people are good at giving negative feedback , it is really hard. In fact, I suspect that some people you know can hurt your feelings when they give a compliment. But, don't dismiss the feedback just because it wasn't delivered well.
3. Collect information. Don't respond right away. If you do, you'll likely regret how defensive and angry you sound. Instead, listen. Take in the criticism. Once you've had time and space, you can decide how to react and whether to change.

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