Sunday, December 12, 2010

Job Seeking Advice

When you are without a job it is so easy for a job seekers to press and spend time on activities that don’t yield effective returns and many even give a negative impression.

Don't talk about how you lost your job; focus on your accomplishments and the unique value you bring to your next company. It is so easy to start a pity party and commiserating with others in a job search or making a point about the injustices of the economy. move on and maximize the time you have with someone to focus on positives.

Looking for a new job — the right new job — is hard work. Simply broadcasting your resume is not. Take some time to figure out what you want to do; research to find the places where you can do it; develop the right connections to get you in the door; explain how you solve a problem.

Be more specific in who you are sending your resume to. Don’t just broadcast it. This includes sending it to countless online job postings; every recruiter you can find; mass emailing your business contacts, family, friends, former classmates, and anyone you've ever known. Be targeted and focused; you have to know what you want so you can get what you need.

Don't keep your job search a secret from your social friends and friends/acquaintances from civic clubs and churches. More job opportunities come about through informal networking. These are the people that know you personally and hopefully have a good impression of you. They can put in a good word for you as you try to get your foot in the door or your resume to get some personal attention.

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